How Can Smoking Harm Your Skin
Released on = August 24, 2006, 11:28 am
Press Release Author = Tony James
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = The quality of your skin is a directly result of your intake and lifestyle. When we eat, food is broken down to nutrients and these nutrients will be absorbed by the large intestines and transported by the bloodstream to various organs which need those nutrients. The largest organ is the skin
Press Release Body = The quality of your skin is a directly result of your intake and lifestyle. When we eat, food is broken down to nutrients and these nutrients will be absorbed by the large intestines and transported by the bloodstream to various organs which need those nutrients. The largest organ is the skin. Oxygen is also supplied to the body in the same way. This process happens when we breathe the air. When we inhale smoke from the cigarettes, carbon monoxide along with other toxic chemicals get absorbed into your body and transported around by your blood. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas which can also found from the car exhausts. The blood is capable of absorbing carbon monoxide 200 times faster than oxygen. Eventually the organs will get polluted and poisoned with all the carbon monoxide. Smoking cigarettes also mean you are also endangering yourself to other chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide, butane, nicotine, carbolic acid, ammonia, collidine, formic aldehyde, lutidine, parvoline, prussic acid, pyridine, arsenic and cadmium and much more other chemicals. Actually a single cigarette can contain 4000 over chemicals! This means that all smoking can be very harmful towards your skin. Your liver will have to work harder to eliminate all the chemicals from your body and cannot function properly. Your skin will eventually lose it radiance and glow. It will turn into somewhat yellow. As you consume more tobacco, your skin condition will get worse and worse. Smoking hinders skin growth as well. Because the chemicals in your body consumes the Vitamin C available in your body. Your body cannot produce Vitamin C and is only available through the intake of food or supplements. Vitamin C helps the skin to regenerate faster, giving the glow and youthful appearance. Thus, smoking reduces Vitamin C and causing your skin to be deprive to this nutrient. So stop smoking and inserting chemicals into your body anymore. You could have a better skin and lifestyle. Plus the money you'll save could be spend on supplements or products that will enhance the health of your skin.
Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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